Beauty, Brains and Biography

The best part of talk shows is the person behind the celebrity.
The best part of improvised shows is when ideas and concepts lead to lovely tangents.
To keep Likewise interesting and fun, I've created Subject Matter Expert.

At each show we'll interview an interesting subject matter expert: authors, business people, artists, astrophysicists, lawyers, whoever we can find.
We'll talk to them about what it's like to be them: find the human life behind the fame, fortune and mystery.
Then we'll improvise some scenes.

You'll get both the interesting life and the interesting improv!

To kick off the show on April 17 2014 we'll interview subject matter expert the awesome Anna Field. Anna has recently been in the mainstream press talking about her business, Paddington Beauty Room and the economy. She is a subject matter expert in maintaining and enhancing beauty. She is also an avid reader of biographies and has worked internationally teaching people to sell luxury goods most effectively.
I'm proud to call her my friend, and to be able to have her pioneer this new idea in improvising!
You can buy tickets to the show here. $10 at the door, or 2 for $10 if you buy in advance.
7:30- 8:30, Thursday April 17, The Roxbury Hotel, 182 St John's Road, Glebe. $10 food specials at the bar til 7pm.

Subscribe to our mailing list on the RHS of this page, and you can submit questions for Anna.